
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to
Star Trek
The Next Generation

[ Don’t Panic! ]

David T Lu and Mickey McCarter

(with sincere apologies to Douglas Adams and all Star Trek writers)

Part 1

Part 2
September 21, 1990

This parody is written by David T Lu and Mickey McCarter, and hereby granted to the Public Domain. All duplications of this parody is completely legal as long as such duplications are made within the United Federation Space, that this notice be included with all duplications, and each duplication is made with a donation of fifty (50) Altarian Dollars, at the current inter-galactic money market exchange rate, to Save the Dolphins Foundation, in care of:

David T Lu, Amateur Thinker lulu@ucrmath.ucr.edu.earth.sol.zero.milky

Mickey McCarter, Potential President mickey@brahms.udel.edu.earth.sol.zero.milky